Sunday, May 9, 2021

Patient Education: Esophageal Varices (Beyond The Basics

Medications to reduce pressure in the portal vein. A type of blood pressure drug called a beta blocker may help reduce blood pressure in your portal vein, decreasing the likelihood of bleeding. These medications include propranolol (Inderal, Innopran XL) and nadolol (Corgard). Using elastic bands to tie off bleeding veins.Portal hypertension and its consequence of bleeding varices are usually seen in people with moderately advanced liver disease. There may be other features such as ascities (fluid in the stomach) and encephalopathy (disturbance of brain function as a result of disordered liver function).A client with cirrhosis has portal hypertension, which is causing esophageal varices. What is the goal of the interventions that the nurse will provide? a) Cure the cirrhosis. b) Treat the esophageal varices. c) Reduce fluid accumulation and venous pressure. d) Promote optimal neurologic function.Which medication is used to decrease portal pressure, halting bleeding of esophageal varices? A patient with bleeding esophageal varices has had pharmacologic therapy with Octreotide (Sandostatin) and endoscopic therapy with esophageal varices banding, but the patient has continued to have bleeding. A patient is prescribed SandostatinEsophageal varices are caused by high blood pressure in blood vessels in and around the liver (portal hypertension). Esophageal varices usually cause no symptoms but can bleed spontaneously. Bleeding can be very severe and cause shock or rarely death.

Portal Hypertension - British Liver Trust

The regular follow-ups are required to check for recurrent bleeding and appropriate treatment is given to prevent more esophageal varices from developing. Treatment at the initial stage isSandostatin is preferred because of fewer side effects. Octreotide reduces pressure in the portal venous system and is preferred to the previously used agents, vasopressin (Pitressin) or terlipressin. Vitamin K promotes blood coagulation in bleeding conditions, resulting from liver disease.CONCLUSION: Esophageal varices banding, rather than portal pressure decrease, seems to be the main responsible factor for good results after combination of two therapies (surgery and endoscopy) for patients with portal hypertension due to schistosomiasis; further studies are necessary to confirm this hypothesis.Pharmacologic therapy for portal hypertension includes the use of beta-blockers, most commonly propranolol and nadolol. Brazilian investigators have suggested that the use of some statins (eg,...

Portal Hypertension - British Liver Trust

Ch. 49 - PrepU Adaptive Learning Flashcards | Quizlet

Esophageal varices are enlarged veins that occur in the walls of the esophagus. The esophagus is the tube that connects your throat to your stomach. The pressure in the swollen veins is higher than normal. The increased pressure can cause sudden and severe bleeding. Because of this risk of bleeding, esophageal varices are a serious, possiblyPortal hypertension is the main abnormal mechanism that occurs in cirrhosis and the main cause of decompensation (e.g., ascites, GI bleeding) Non-selective beta-blockers (NSBBs) such as propranolol and nadolol* will reduce portal pressure The use of NSBBs lowers the risk of first variceal bleed and also prevents recurrent variceal hemorrhageIn patients with cirrhosis and variceal bleeding, the use of terlipressin reduces the portal vein pressure and decreases the pressure in esophageal varices. This can save lives when skilled endoscopists are not immediately available.Hepatic encephalopathy Which medication is used to decrease portal pressure, halting bleeding of esophageal varices? Vasopressin A client is admitted for suspected GI disease. Assessment data reveal muscle wasting, a decrease in chest and axillary hair, and increased bleeding tendency.Hamamelis, Chelidonium, and Cardus Marianus are the top homeopathic remedies used to treat esophageal varices. Homeopathic medicines for esophageal varices.

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